Actor Varun Kulkarni – who was also seen in the Shah Rukh Khan, Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal starrer Dunki, is currently hospitalised. As per reports, the actor is facing severe kidney ailments and is undergoing dialysis at least twice a week. Now, his friend, Roshan Shetty has taken to social media to share his health update and even ask for financial assistance.
Dunki actor Varun Kulkarni battling ‘severe kidney issue’
Varun Kulkarni’s friend, Roshan Shetty, took to his Instagram handle a while ago to share an health update about the Dunki actor undergoing treatment and struggling to pay hospital bills. Shetty wrote on social media, “My dear friend and theatre co-artist, Varun Kulkarni, is currently battling severe kidney issues. Despite our previous efforts to raise funds, the expenses for his treatment continue to mount.” He added, “He requires dialysis 2–3 times a week, along with regular medical care and emergency hospital visits. Just two days ago, Varun was rushed to the hospital for an emergency dialysis session (sic).”
Shetty further stated, “Varun is not only a brilliant artist but also a kind and selfless human being. He lost both his parents at a very young age and has been a self-made individual ever since, pursuing his passion for theatre against all odds. However, the life of an artist often comes with financial challenges, and at this difficult moment, he needs our support more than ever (sic).”
Asking for financial help from fans and followers, Shetty wrote, “We, his friends and well-wishers, are coming together to help Varun during this critical time. If you know Varun or Rhea personally, you can send your contributions directly to them. For those who don’t, a Ketto link has been created to make donating easier.”
He concluded his post by adding, “Your support—no matter the amount—can make a huge difference. Even sharing this message can help reach more people who might lend a hand. Let’s come together to help Varun get back on stage, where he belongs (sic).”
About Varun
Aside from Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki, Varun Kulkarni also starred in shows such as Scam 1992 and The Family Man.